Min Xiao-Fen & River Guerguerian
Tryon Fine Arts Center
World Music Series Celebrates the Lunar New Year!


Date: Thursday, January 30, 2025

Time: 7:30 pm concert, 7:00 doors

Venue: Tryon Fine Arts Center Pavilion 34 Melrose Ave Tryon, NC 28782



Tickets are $15 cash only at the door













Thursday December 31
Asheville Rhythm presents
Dancing, Drums, and Dreams ~ A Rhythmic Celebration of the New Year

When: December 31, 2015
Time: 8:30pm-1am
Where: Eliada ~ PARC Building  - 2 Compton Drive, Asheville, NC 28806
Directions: eliada.org/driving-directions   Lots of free Parking.
Tickets: Individual-$39 advance/$44 door
Couples-$69 advance/$80 door
Seniors (60+)-$34 advance/$40 door
Student-$19 and kids under 12 are free.

Join us on New Years Eve at Eliada for an evening of dancing with world music super-group Free Planet Radio, a Drum Circle of communal celebration, sweet and savory light fare, inspirational readings and a New Years Eve countdown.
We will close the evening with a sound meditation to usher in 2016 in peace, calm, and with focused intention. Bring your drum and a yoga mat if you want to lie down during the Sound Meditation.  BYOB

Eliada is a non-profit agency serving the children and families of Western North Carolina. We are pleased to be partnering with them for this amazing event. Please visit their website to see the wonderful work that they do. eliada.org

Sunday December 27
Asheville Rhythm presents
Sound Immersion with River Guerguerian

When: 5:00pm
Where: Odyssey Community School - 90 Zillicoa St. Asheville NC 28801 - Studio is downstairs
Tickets: $15 SOLD OUT, tickets available for January 31, 2016
Website: ShareTheDrum.com & AshevilleRhythm.org
Details: A Sound Immersion relaxes the body and promotes deep meditative and rejuvenating states. While reclining or sitting and breathing slowly, your body is immersed in a bath of sound as River plays his singing bowls, gongs, shakers, hand pan, and large frame drums. Please bring a yoga mat to lie on and a pillow or blanket if desired.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday December 4-6, 2015
Asheville Rhythm presents
Frame Drum Retreat with River Guerguerian

Asheville Rhythm presents a weekend devoted to the exploration of the frame drum. If you play the frame drum and wish to step up to your next level of expertise, join us for this weekend of study mixed with a big dose of collaboration, community and fun. This workshop is open to frame drum players who are at least intermediate level.

Where: Odyssey Community School - 90 Zillicoa St. Asheville NC 28801 - Studio is downstairs
Tickets: $164 see below
Website: ShareTheDrum.com & AshevilleRhythm.org
Friday 12/4*

*Optional Frame Drum Prep Workshop
Friday 12/4

Tickets: $30 see below
As preparation for the Retreat, this four hour workshop will focus on frame drum skills including proper technique, strokes, tone, vocabulary and an introduction to some of the rhythms we will be exploring during the weekend. This workshop is for those who have been playing for a year or more, even if you are not attending the Retreat.
Evening on your own.

Saturday 12/5
9:30am-1:00pm Workshop
1-2:30pm Optional lunch at Nectar (please email Rima (rimaluna2014@gmail.com) with your reservation; Nectar is an Asheville Rhythm sponsor.)
2:30-5:30pm Workshop
6:30-8:00pm Asheville Rhythm Frame Drum Retreat event at Isis
Join the Asheville Rhythm Frame Drum Retreat attendees for an intimate informal evening of world music in the upstairs lounge at Isis Restaurant and Music Hall. Our much loved Asheville icons, singer/songwriter Chris Rosser and percussion magician, River Guerguerian will entertain as we enjoy the fabulous food that Isis is known for. We might even do some dancing!

Isis Restaurant and Music Hall in the Upstairs Lounge - 743 Haywood Rd., Asheville, NC 28806 · (828) 575-2737
Tickets: $10. cover; call to reserve and pay at the door or buy online on the Isis website.

Sunday 12/6
10:00am-12:30pm Workshop

Details: Bring frame drums, riqs, kanjira and tambourines. Some loaners will be available. We will work on all three styles of frame drum playing: lap, hand held and free hand. We will also include tambourine, kanjira and pandeiro techniques. We will explore rhythms from around the world, concentrating on the Middle East, experimenting with improvisation and soloing.

Sunday November 29
Asheville Rhythm presents
Sound Immersion with River Guerguerian

When: 5:00pm
Where: Odyssey Community School - 90 Zillicoa St. Asheville NC 28801 - Studio is downstairs
Tickets: $15 see below
Website: ShareTheDrum.com & AshevilleRhythm.org
Details: A Sound Immersion relaxes the body and promotes deep meditative and rejuvenating states. While reclining or sitting and breathing slowly, your body is immersed in a bath of sound as River plays his singing bowls, gongs, shakers, hand pan, and large frame drums. Please bring a yoga mat to lie on and a pillow or blanket if desired.

Saturday, October 31
Asheville Rhythm presents
Halloween at the Eliada Corn Maze

Where: Eliada - 2 Compton Drive, Asheville, NC 28806
When: 1-2:30pm
Tickets:  Free with ticket to the Corn Maze.
Details:  Eliada, Helping Cildren Succeed, is a home and school for children with special needs. River will lead the Asheville Rhythm Ensemble with Kevin Spears on the Kalimba, William DeHaro on the Heron, and LunaSpiral Tribal Bellydance in a Halloween Carnival of costumed drummers, dancers, and musicians. This Asheville Rhythm event,  is to benefit Eliada, as part of their Halloween Trick or Treat fundraiser.

Sunday October 25
Asheville Rhythm presents
Sound Immersion with River Guerguerian

When: 5:00pm
Where: Odyssey Community School - 90 Zillicoa St. Asheville NC 28801 - Studio is downstairs
Tickets: $15
Website: ShareTheDrum.com & AshevilleRhythm.org
Details: A Sound Immersion relaxes the body and promotes deep meditative and rejuvenating states. While reclining or sitting and breathing slowly, your body is immersed in a bath of sound as River plays his singing bowls, gongs, shakers, hand pan, and large frame drums. Please bring a yoga mat to lie on and a pillow or blanket if desired.

Saturday September 12
Goombay Festival 2015

When: 10:00am
Where: Pritchard Park, 4 College St, Asheville, NC 28801
As part of this festival parade, Asheville Rhythm will gather at Pritchard Park and walk as a group playing our drums to Pack Square Park where the main festival will take place. Come join us! It’s open to all and all River’s students.  Bring your drum, or just walk with us! We’ll run through some rhythms starting at 10 am, and we’ll begin the procession to Pack Square at 11 am.


Monday September 28
Asheville Rhythm presents
Sound Immersion with River Guerguerian

When:  6:30pm
Where: Odyssey Community School - 90 Zillicoa St. Asheville NC 28801 - Studio is downstairs
Tickets: $15  SOLD OUT
Website: ShareTheDrum.com & AshevilleRhythm.org
Details: A Sound Immersion relaxes the body and promotes deep meditative and rejuvenating states. While reclining or sitting and breathing slowly, your body is immersed in a bath of sound as River plays his singing bowls, gongs, shakers, hand pan, and large frame drums. Please bring a yoga mat to lie on and a pillow or blanket if desired.

Sunday August 30

Asheville Rhythm presents
Sound Immersion with River Guerguerian

When:  5:00pm
Where: Odyssey Community School - 90 Zillicoa St. Asheville NC 28801 - Studio is downstairs
Website: ShareTheDrum.com & AshevilleRhythm.org

Masterclass with David Kuckhermann

When: Monday July 20 6:30-8:30pm
Where: Odyssey Community School - 90 Zillicoa St. Asheville NC 28801 - Studio is downstairs.
Price: $20. Space is limited. Please RSVP to ashevillepercussion@gmail.com
Website: worldpercussion.net
Details: David will teach his unique and masterful style on Frame Drums, Riq Tambourine, Hand Pan, and Doumbek. He will give a mini performance and share some of his rich perspective about percussion and musicianship. David invites you to bring one or more of your favorite drums. Some extra drums will be available.

Asheville Percussion Festival 2015

When: June 15-21
Where: Odyssey Community School & Diana Wortham Theatre
Tickets: www.ashevillepercussionfestival.com/tickets
Schedule: www.ashevillepercussionfestival.com/schedule
Details: www.ashevillepercussionfestival.com/info

2020 (postponed, date to be announced)
Global Music Immersion with
Free Planet Radio

River GuerguerianChris Rosser, and Eliot Wadopian will co-lead a five day immersion program in which they will teach some of their original compositions, along with some of the technical skills and signature riffs they have cultivated in the pursuit of their unique sound. 

Throughout the week, participants will learn and rehearse Free Planet Radio compositions and have the opportunity to perform in a public concert with Free Planet Radio on Saturday night, July 18th. 
During the week, each participant will sign up for an individual 20 minute session with either River, Chris, or Eliot.

This Immersion is intended for those who already play an instrument, whether for a few years or a lifetime.
It is open to hand drummers and melody instruments of any kind. Please bring your own instruments.

10am - 1pm Tuesday - Friday morning sessions: Percussion workshops with River Guerguerian OR Melody instrument workshops with Chris Rosser and Eliot Wadopian.

Session 1: 10:00am - 11:15am 
Workshops on technique, scales, rhythms, musicality, playing with other musicians, tuning, phrasing, and more.

Session 2: 11:30am - 1:00pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, work on two pieces of music each day. Friday we will rehearse all the pieces.

1:00pm - 2:30pm Lunch break: please bring your own or visit one of our local restaurants.

2:30pm - 6pm Tuesday - Thursday afternoon sessions: All musicians come together for large ensemble rehearsals followed by sectionals and one-on-one sessions. During the week each participant signs up for one individual 20 minute session with either River, Chris, or Eliot. This private session is included with tuition.

Session 3: 2:30 - 4:00pm 
Combine groups, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, rehearse 2 pieces each day.  

Session 4a: 4:20 - 6:30pm  
Everyone signs up for 20 minute individual time with either River or Chris, or Eliot.

Session 4b: 
Small group sectionals that combine Rhythm and Melody Players, coached by Eliot. We will assign groups unless otherwise arranged.

Session 4c: 
Optional open time for participants to create their ensemble and jam.

Friday 2:30 - 6:00pm: Combine all musicians for ensemble rehearsals.

Friday 8:00pm: “Open mic night" performance where participants can show off their talents. Could be anything!

Saturday 1:00pm: Rehearse all pieces at the Grey Eagle at lunchtime.

Saturday night Concert: 7:00 doors open, 8:00pm show at 
The Grey Eagle, 185 Clingman Ave. Asheville, NC 28801

FPR half set and the six pieces we have worked on with students during the other half. Each student plays in 2-4 pieces depending on who attends and size of venue. This concert is open to the public and tickets will be sold by the Grey Eagle.

Monday 7/13 and Sunday 7/19:

When: Tuesday July 14 - Saturday July 18, 2020 (see detailed schedule above)
 Odyssey Community School, 90 Zillicoa St, Asheville, NC 28801
The Grey Eagle, 185 Clingman Ave, Asheville, NC 28801

      - Early-bird: $395 (+ Eventbrite Fees), paid in full by May 15th; Purchase tickets:
      - After May 15th: $450 (+ Eventbrite Fees)
      - Optional: book a private one-on-one or small group lesson with one of the teachers on Monday July 13 or
Sunday July 19: $75/hr: contact Rima to schedule, rimaluna2014@gmail.com